Educational Authority

Accreditation Centre for Foreign

Language Examinations

Postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 112.
Customer service (only in person):
1122 Budapest, Maros utca 19-21.
Telephone: +36 (1) 374-2135

To the attention of non-Hungarian language examination providers

Dear Sir/Madam

Language certificates issued outside Hungary are recognised by the Educational Authority. The list of examinations currently recognised can be seen here on our website. If you would like to have the language certificate issued by your organization recognised in Hungary, please fill in the table and send us the requested documents. The Educational Authority is legally bound to deny access to the aforementioned documents by a third party.
In case your organization cannot make the requested documents available electronically (e-mail:, please send the documents to this address:
Oktatási Hivatal, Nyelvvizsgáztatási Akkreditációs Osztály
1363 Budapest, PF. 112

Please fill in the Table below
Name of the language certificate Level of the exam (as stated on the certificate) Language of the exam Language skills assessed some exam locations
Reading Writing Listening Speaking

Documents requested as obligatory attachments:

  • a detailed test specifications document,
  • a sample certificate with a clear indication of the CEFR level the exam is aimed at,
  • a sample test for each component of the exam at the specified level.

NEW! CEFR A2 level certificates can be recognised in Hungary from 20th March 2014. If you would like to have the A2 level language certificate issued by your organization recognised in Hungary, please fill in the table and send us the requested documents.